In recent years, the humble infusion has received considerable attention by scientists and given rise to numerous studies showing that this unique tea is packed with antioxidants and other compounds that can have a positive impact on your well-being.
Tahini is an excellent source of minerals and heart-healthy fats and additionally, a versatile food that can be featured in every meal of the day, for five very good reasons.
Trahana is usually cooked as a soup and its thickness will vary depending on the cooking time, but it's also incredibly versatile. You can add it in stews, cook with vegetables, with broth or tomato sauce, spice it up, add aromatic herbs; the possibilities are endless!
This October, in honor of breast cancer awareness, Anthos will donate 5% of our October sales profits to METAvivor, the sole organization that gives 100% of its donations to fund metastatic breast cancer research.